Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Women at Work- How Happy are You?

There has been a lot in the media lately about Women in business.   Especially since Sheryl Sandberg, FACEBOOK executive, wrote the book LEAN IN, about Women, Work and the Will to Lead.

women at workThe book’s media has brought to light age old issues about women in the workplace.  We are treated differently, we are paid differently, we are mentored differently.  While I do believe things are getting better, generally speaking, we have a ways to go.  It all stems from your ability to be happy at work.

Many people have asked me throughout my career do you believe women can have it all?  While many may disagree, I answer with a resounding YES!  The question is who’s “all” are you considering?  I create my own “all” and make it happen.  I find that taking charge of your own destiny and dealing with your problems head on gives you the control you need to be more happy and fulfilled at work!  Men have historically been better mentors that women.  What can YOU do to change that?  Who can YOU help?  What are YOU doing to set yourself apart?  How can YOU be more visible to the leadership team?  How can YOU be a part of the leadership team?  The first thing you need to do is figure out what your definition of happiness is.  This will help bring focus on what you should be dedicating time to. 
If you aren’t getting what you need from your job, figure out what needs to change and deal with the things that you have the ability to change. Sometimes you need to look in a mirror and do a “self-check” and make sure you are not part of the problem. If things still are not better, create a plan to leave.  Sometimes those are the tough decisions you have to make but nothing is worth being miserable at work.  Don’t wait for happiness to happen.  Make it happen.

If you want to hear more about how you can be POWERED BY HAPPY, check out our website on our workshops and employee engagement studies.
Our team offers a Workshop called "Powered By Happy" that helps companies create a better culture and teaches employees exercises on the process of becoming happy. For more information on how Beth and her team can create a better culture for YOUR company and improve your business, click here.-Powered By Happy 

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